The New Drug

I wrote a feature article about my initial experiences with the World of Warcraft. It is not a review by any means, but more of an expose on my reluctant experience to play the game.

From the article: It all started with this guy I know; lets call him “liphe”. You see, “liphe” was hooked on World of Warcraft and he wasnt afraid to tell everyone he knew (and some he didnt know) how cool it was. I did my best to resist temptation. I mean, after all, I have been down that road and MMORPGs are bottomless pits to hell. In a straight tripn yo, do not pass go, do not collect $200, kind of way. Then the guys at Blizzard sent me an email requesting my presence during an early stress test. How dangerous could it be? After all, the stress test was only good for a few days and I could see how World of Warcraft felt without fear of becoming addicted.

Read the rest here.

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