Weekly (Or So) Splash Damage News Round-Up

Give your eyes a workout with these latest items rolling off the SplashDamage.com assembly line.

  • Things You Were Too Afraid to Ask: David ‘Davros’ Edwards
    The level designer formerly know as Torchy, David ‘Dravros’ Edwards stars in this edition of our on-going series of staff interviews. Dave brush-built his way through several Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars maps and is chiefly responsible for the frantic infantry action on Salvage.
  • Things You Were Too Afraid to Ask: Chris ‘Hauser’ Bull
    As Splash Damage’s Animator, Chris ‘Hauser’ Bull is literally responsible for getting things moving, at least as far as game characters and models are concerned. Chris handled the bulk of the animation work on Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars, and he is now taking things to the next level by animating the first real-life Splash Damage baby.
  • Currently Hurling Controllers / Mice At… Get Off My Lawn! Edition
    Games, games, games! With Spore, Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise, and Mercenaries 2, several fresh releases have finally arrived and we promptly share our thoughts on all of them.
  • Why Dev Studios Are Better Off Being Independent
    Splash Damage is independently owned, but what does that actually mean? Our Development Manager Stephen ‘malarky’ Gaffney sheds some, well, a lot of light on that and explains why independent studios are better for gamers and the people working there.

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Give your eyes a workout with these latest items rolling off the SplashDamage.com assembly line.

  • Things You Were Too Afraid to Ask: David ‘Davros’ Edwards
    The level designer formerly know as Torchy, David ‘Dravros’ Edwards stars in this edition of our on-going series of staff interviews. Dave brush-built his way through several Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars maps and is chiefly responsible for the frantic infantry action on Salvage.
  • Things You Were Too Afraid to Ask: Chris ‘Hauser’ Bull
    As Splash Damage’s Animator, Chris ‘Hauser’ Bull is literally responsible for getting things moving, at least as far as game characters and models are concerned. Chris handled the bulk of the animation work on Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars, and he is now taking things to the next level by animating the first real-life Splash Damage baby.
  • Currently Hurling Controllers / Mice At… Get Off My Lawn! Edition
    Games, games, games! With Spore, Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise, and Mercenaries 2, several fresh releases have finally arrived and we promptly share our thoughts on all of them.
  • Why Dev Studios Are Better Off Being Independent
    Splash Damage is independently owned, but what does that actually mean? Our Development Manager Stephen ‘malarky’ Gaffney sheds some, well, a lot of light on that and explains why independent studios are better for gamers and the people working there.

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